Click on the tabs below to access a variety of resources relevant to congregational life. Additional resources can be found on the ELCA Resources webpage.
congregational resources
Your congregation will receive a letter in the mail from the ELCA in mid-January about filling out your annual report. This letter will include your congregation’s ID number and password and instructions to submit the form online. There are some excellent resources on the ELCA website to help your congregation fill out the report. If you have any questions, need your ID or password, or would like a paper copy mailed to you, please call or email the synod office.
To report any congregational updates, please contact the Synod Office: or 701-232-3381. Thank you!
Council Training: March 2024
Council Training Videos: March 2023
- Council Expectations Document (Created by Our Saviors Lutheran Church, Hillsboro)
- Council Agenda Example
- Behavioral Covenant of Leadership Example
- Giving Thought to a Narrative Budget
- Guidelines for Congregations: Internal Control Best Practices (2013)
- Guide for Use of the Model Constitution for Congregations (2017)
- Handling Financial Matters in the Congregation
- IRS Requirement for Churches
- Model Constitution for Congregations of the ELCA (2022)
- Recommendations for Congregation Secretaries (2022)
- Records Retention Schedule for Congregations of the ELCA (2023)
- Living Our Baptism: The Marks of Discipleship (created August 2024)
- And You Shall Be My Witnesses: Holy Wisdom and the Church Today (created August 2023)
- Toward a Vital and Vibrant Ministry (A Congregational Discernment Guide)
- A Guide to Holy Closure
You may also wish to read about "Ministry Reviews" in the tab below. -
Paul Daniels serves as the ELCA Region 3 archivist. The archives are based out of Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN.
The Region 3 Archives (covering the Dakotas and Minnesota) constitutes one of the largest collections of American Lutheran material in the United States. Beginning with largely Norwegian, Danish and Swedish Lutheran records (the 1840’s and on) and continuing to the present, the collection documents the full range of activities that marked the predecessor church bodies to the current Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Paul has put together a series of documents that can help when pondering what your congregation should save and what to discard. They are available on the Luther Seminary website under "Ask the Archivist."
A variety of downloadable resources for congregational treasurers and bookkeepers are available on the ELCA's website. Click here to view resources from the Office of the Treasurer.
Ministry Review:
A ministry review is a time for reflecting together on current realities as well as look at energy and opportunities for mission and ministry. It is a chance to be the church together and mutually discern next steps.
Discerning the Future Gathering
Similar to a regular Ministry Review, a Discerning the Future Gathering is scheduled across an entire weekend to create space for deep listening, learning together, and time to build relationships. This tool is for ministries who are needing to deeply discern their future.
Discerning the Future Gathering
Have questions? Contact Deacon Erin Power, DEM -
"I was a part of the Ministry Review of Augustana in Grand Forks. The Ministry Review Process was a very positive experience. It opened our eyes to the many needs of the community immediately around us and provided us with numerous new ways we can serve it. I'm excited by the many opportunities in front of us as we work towards calling our next pastor."
-James Lindlauf
Portico is the non-profit benefit ministry of the ELCA.
Portico has an EmployerLink for Treasurers & Benefits Administrators which includes useful information for rates, forms, calculators, and instructions for the ELCA's pensions and health plan. A printable format and worksheet for manually determining insurance costs are available with the Compensation and Benefits Guidelines above.
- Pulpit Supply List (updated February 2025)