- Contact within each congregation to monitor the Global Refuge (previously LIRS) website for current news affecting
immigrants and refugees and advocate for refugees by sharing this information
with the congregation
- Synod assembly - displays, workshops,
- E-News, Facebook page, Synod list serve of
clergy and lay leaders
- Worship resources
- Refugee and immigrant stories
- Receive at least one offering or create a fund
raiser for Global Refuge within the year
- Consider other ways to partner or volunteer to
assist with the work of Global Refuge
- Invite speakers, show videos, that help bring
awareness of the issues
- Take part in delegation to the Texas-Mexico
- Advocate for legislation or other actions in the
following areas: detention centers, trafficking for sex and labor, family separations, refugees, asylum seekers, DACA (Dreamers), unaccompanied minors, homlessness and hunger
About new LIRS (now Global Refuge) Field Office (Video)
Global Refuge (previously LIRS)
Opening Borders
A River Becomes a Wall (video)
Statement of purpose and goals:
We understand each person to be made in God’s image, without
distinction based on race, ethnicity, gender, economic class or country of
Education: Synod Assembly - displays, workshops,
E-News, Facebook page, Synod list serve of
clergy and lay leaders
Worship resources
Personal stories
Guiding Scripture:
“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who walk
softly and in a humble manner. The earth, land, and sky will welcome them and
always be their home.” Matthew 5:5 (First Nations Version)
Statement of purpose and goals:
To raise awareness to open hearts and minds to the truth of
climate change
- Education: Synod Assembly - displays, workshops, announcements
- E-News, Facebook page, Synod list serve of clergy and lay
- Worship resources
- Creation stories and ideas
Advocacy and Action:
- Watch for upcoming Care of Creation Fair
- Earth Day 2023