frequently asked questions

Below are some common questions we receive at the synod office. Click each question for resources, helpful links, and contact information. 

  • Please contact Pr. Brad Skogen, Associate with the Bishop for Congregational Leadership and Transition. Additionally, you can find an overview of the call process here or download this Checklist for Congregational Leaders During the Call Process.  

  • Please contact Pr. Brad Skogen, Associate with the Bishop for Congregational Leadership and Transition. You may also wish to view and download the resources available on this page. 

  • The EaND Synod is divided into eight geographical conferences. Conferences exist to offer local support and connections for leaders and congregations. You can find a list of congregations and their conferences here. (Scroll down to the bottom of the page.) Click here for a list of deans and conference leaders. (Scroll down to "Conference Leadership.")

  • If you would like to make an appointment with the Bishop, please contact the synod office by email or phone. The office phone number is 701- 232-3381. 

    If you would like to schedule an appointment with another staff member, you may either call the office or contact that staff member directly by email. 

  • Please contact Deacon Laura Carson, Associate with the Bishop for Formation and Administration.  

  • Click to download the latest list (updated March 2025) of individuals available for pulpit supply. 

  • Find information about the latest Compensation & Benefit Guidelines here. (Click on the "Compensation Guidelines" tab.)

  • The best way to stay tuned into events happening around the synod is to subscribe to the Connections E-Newsletter, which is sent out every other Wednesday. You may also wish to view past editions of the e-newsletter here. Additionally, follow us on Facebook ("Eastern North Dakota Synod"), and check out our Events Page for event details. 

  • Contact Deacon Erin Power, Director for Evangelical Mission. You may also wish to check out the resources “Toward Vital and Vibrant Ministry” and “A Guide to Holy Closure."

  • You can download the ELCA's model constitution for congregations here.

    The synod's Constitution Review Committee receives and reviews congregation constitutions as they are drafted and ratified by congregations in the synod. The group is composed of volunteers who have interest and experience with constitutional workPlease contact Pr. Brad to get connected Constitution Review Committee. 

  • You can check out a variety of Council Training Videos and Council Training Documents on our Congregational Resources page.

  • You can find information about upcoming youth events on our Youth and Family Ministry page

  • The Synod Council is the board of directors for the Eastern North Dakota (EaND) SynodThe Synod Council consists of members elected from each conference (one rostered and one lay representative), three executive positions, a multi-cultural representative, a youth representative and the president of the Eastern ND WELCA.  Each person elected to the Synod Council shall be a voting member of the congregation of the EaND Synod, with the exception of ordained minister on the roster of this synod who reside outside the territory of the synod. 

    Members of the Synod Council serve as liaisons to one of the synod boards. 

    Synod Council meetings are scheduled in June in conjunction with synod assembly, and in the fall.  The council is responsible for the business of the synod between yearly synod assemblies.  

    View upcoming meetings, a list of synod council members, and summaries from previous meetings here

  • Learn more about supporting our shared ministry here.

    Download the Synod Mission Plan (budget) This mission plan was approved by the 2024 Synod Assembly. 

    You can donate online or make a check out to "EaND Synod" and mail it to our office:
    Eastern North Dakota Synod

    PO Box 2019

    Fargo, ND 58107

  • You can learn more about the ELCA at this link. 

  • The ELCA has a “Find a Congregation” tool. Just type in your city, state, or zip code!