synod assembly resources
synod assembly 2025
June 7-8, 2025 + Holiday Inn, Fargo
The Eastern North Dakota Synod will gather in Assembly on June 7-8, 2025 at the Holiday Inn in Fargo, ND under the theme of “Grace Upon Grace.” Our keynote speaker and churchwide representative will be the Rev. Tim Brown, ELCA Director of Congregational Stewardship.
The EaND Synod Assembly will begin at 9:00am on Saturday and end after lunch on Sunday (approximately 1:30pm). A draft agenda will be made available in April.
REGISTRATION: Deadline to register is May 20th
All registration must be completed online at this link.
Voting Members: $200 (rostered ministers and lay voting members)
Visitors: $100
Payment can be made with credit card or check.
Information you will be asked to provide for EACH Voting Member and Visitor:
First, and Last name
Email Address* If a voting member does not have an email address, please use your church’s email address and share all information sent.
Childcare, Dietary, and Accessibility Needs
Congregation of Membership: Name and City
Voting Member Packets will be available on May 23rd on this page and sent by email to all registrants.
This document includes information on who is eligible to serve as a voting member, including the number of lay voting members for congregations and how rostered ministers who are not under call can serve as voting members.
HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS: Deadline to reserve rooms is May 5th
A block of rooms is being held at the Holiday Inn of Fargo.
Block Name: Eastern ND Synod-ELCA
Rate: $154/night plus tax
Rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Room reservations need to be made by May 5th to secure the discounted rate.
Call to make reservations: 701.282.2700
Little Lutherans are welcome at assembly!
Activity Area: There will be a designated activity area for children ages 5 and under. Parents are responsible for supervision in this area.
Childcare: There will be two options for childcare at Synod Assembly this year. You will need to reserve your spot through the regular assembly registration by May 20.
Elementary Childcare (completed Kindergarten through 6th grade): Childcare will be available for most of the regular Synod Assembly (Saturday: 8:45am – 5:30pm and Sunday: 8:15am – 11:30am) and they are invited to join you for Closing Worship. Lunch will be provided on Saturday and snacks on both days. A suggested donation of $30 per child is recommended to help offset our costs.
Preschool Childcare (2 – 5 year olds): Childcare will be provided during Plenary Sessions (2 sessions on Saturday and 1 session on Sunday). A suggested donation of $10 per child is recommended to help offset our costs.
Nursing / Pumping Station: A private space for parents to nurse or pump will be available throughout the weekend.
DISPLAY TABLES: due by May 16th
If your organization is interested in having a display table at Synod Assembly, please register at this link.
If your organization is a ministry partner, included in the EaND Synod budget, there is no cost for a table. If this applies to you, please email Alex Benson-Tuff ( to receive a discount code before you register.
RESOLUTIONS: due by May 5th
All resolutions must be submitted via email to
Helpful Guidelines for Writing Resolutions (pdf)
WORKSHOPS: due by May 5th
All individuals or organizations that are interested in leading a workshop at Synod Assembly, must submit a Workshop Proposal. Priority will be given to workshops that align with the synod’s mission, strategic plan, and this year’s Synod Assembly theme.
The offering for this year's Synod Assembly will be designated to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Central African Republic for Education priorities including the high school library and computer lab. Offerings can be brought to Synod Assembly, donations can be made online, or checks can be mailed to the synod to support this project in the CAR.
The Care of Creation Award will recognize a congregation that has done outstanding work in caring for creation. Because no congregation can do everything, and because size and resources play a role in what can be done, selection for the award will be based on what has been accomplished relative to those factors. The nomination form gives examples of things that might be done to care for creation, but there are many more things that aren’t listed on the form. Please tell us about anything that you think is relevant.
synod assembly 2024
june 1-2 + Holiday Inn, Fargo
Summary of the 2024 Synod Assembly:
On June 1-2, 2024, the Eastern North Dakota Synod, ELCA gathered together at the Holiday Inn in Fargo, ND for the thirty-seventh annual Synod Assembly under the theme of “Challenge: Learn, Discern, Respond.” There were a total of 296 people in attendance (183 Lay Voting Members; 80 Rostered Minister Voting Members; 33 Visitors). Business items included hearing reports from officers, adopting the 2025 Synod Mission Plan (budget), elections for Synod Council, Committees, and Voting Members to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly, and adopting two resolutions (Compensation & Benefit Guidelines, Reconciling in Christ Welcome Statement.) Participants also heard a State of the Synod from Bishop Tessa Moon Leiseth and State of the ELCA from our churchwide representative, Kristen Opalinski. The Strategic Plan for the Synod was launched thanks to a year-long process of listening and discerning across the synod. A reception was held to celebrate five new Endowment Funds that have been created.
Videos from Synod
- Opening Worship
- Closing Worship
- State of the Synod
- State of the ELCA - Kristen Opalinski
- Strategic Plan Launch
- Endowment Funds
Sunday, June 2 Worship Resource
Sermon from Bishop Tessa (Video)
Sermon from Bishop Tessa (Manuscript)