congregational resources

synod resources

Congregation Contribution/Synod Remittance Form

Pulpit Supply List

Devotional Series for Synod Councils and Ministry Teams 

 And You Shall Be My Witnesses: Holy Wisdom and the Church Today (created August 2023)

Council Training Videos (March 2023)

Risk Management Documents

Council Training Documents

Compensation Guidelines

Discernment, Visioning, & Holy Closure

ELCA Office of the Treasurer:

The Resources for Congregational Treasurers and Bookkeepers document is very helpful and covers many topics including:

ELCA Portico Benefit Services:

Portico has an EmployerLink for Treasurers & Benefits Administrators which includes useful information for rates, forms, calculators, and instructions for the ELCA's pensions and health plan. A printable format and worksheet for manually determining insurance costs are available with the Compensation and Benefits Guidelines found below.

ministry reviews

Ministry Review:

 A ministry review is a time for reflecting together on current realities as well as look at energy and opportunities for mission and ministry.  It is a chance to be the church together and mutually discern next steps.  

Ministry Review Overview

Discerning the Future Gathering

Similar to a regular Ministry Review, a Discerning the Future Gathering is scheduled across an entire weekend to create space for deep listening, learning together, and time to build relationships. This tool is for ministries who are needing to deeply discern their future.

Discerning the Future Gathering

Have questions? Contact Deacon Erin Power, DEM -

"I was a part of the Ministry Review of Augustana in Grand Forks. The Ministry Review Process was a very positive experience. It opened our eyes to the many needs of the community immediately around us and provided us with numerous new ways we can serve it. I'm excited by the many opportunities in front of us as we work towards calling our next pastor." 

 -James Lindlauf   

congregational updates

To report any congregational updates, please complete the form or contact the Synod Office.


Update form

archival resources

Paul Daniels serves as the head archivist for ELCA Region 3 archives at Luther Seminary.

Paul has put together a series of documents that can help when pondering what your congregation should save and what to discard. They are available on the Luther Seminary website under

Ask the Archivist.