synod assembly resources

synod assembly 2024

june 1-2 + Holiday Inn, Fargo

The Eastern North Dakota Synod will gather in Assembly on June 1-2, 2024 at the Holiday Inn in Fargo, ND under the theme of “CHALLENGE: Learn, Discern, Respond”. This year’s theme comes from our Mission Statement, “Jesus Christ calls us to live in love as we serve, equip, and CHALLENGE God’s people.” Together, we will explore how we can learn, discern, and respond to challenges.


The EaND Synod Assembly will begin at 9:00am on Saturday and end after lunch on Sunday (approximately 1:30pm). 

Download the draft schedule.

Special Guests:

  • ELCA Representative: Kristen Opalinski, Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations Manager
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy, Native Theologian 
  • Companion Synod: Representative(s) from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Central African Republic 

Registration: Deadline to register is May 14. 

Click here to register! 

Voting Members: $200 (rostered ministers and lay voting members) 

Visitors: $100 
Payment can be made with credit card or check.  

Information you will be asked to provide for EACH Voting Member and Visitor: 

  • First and Last name 

  • Email Address* If a voting member does not have an email address, please use your church’s email address and share all information sent. 

  • Childcare, Dietary, and Accessibility Needs 

  • Congregation Name and City 

  • Conference 

Voting Member Packets will be available on May 17th.


This document includes information on who is eligible to serve as a voting member, including the number of lay voting members for congregations and how rostered ministers who are not under call can serve as voting members.

Hotel Accommodations: Deadline to reserve rooms is April 30th. 

A block of rooms is being held at the Holiday Inn of Fargo.

Block Name: Eastern ND Synod-ELCA

Rate: $152/night plus tax

Call to make reservations: 701.282.2700

Online Booking Link for EaND Synod

Rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis. Room reservations need to be made by April 30th to secure the discounted rate.

Children at Assembly

Little Lutherans are welcome at assembly!

 Activity Area: There will be a designated activity area for children ages 5 and under. Parents are responsible for supervision in this area.

 Childcare:  There will be two options for childcare at Synod Assembly this year. You will need to reserve your spot through the regular assembly registration by May 14.

  •   Elementary Childcare (completed Kindergarten through 6th grade): Childcare will be available for most of the regular Synod Assembly (Saturday: 8:45am – 5:30pm and Sunday: 8:15am – 11:30am) and they are invited to join you for Closing Worship. Lunch will be provided on Saturday and snacks on both days. A suggested donation of $30 per child is recommended to help offset our costs.
  •   Preschool Childcare (2-5 year olds): Childcare will be provided during Plenary Sessions (2 sessions on Saturday and 1 session on Sunday). A suggested donation of $10 per child is recommended to help offset our costs.
Nursing / Pumping Station: A private space for parents to nurse or pump will be available throughout the weekend. 

Display Tables: Register by May 10. 

Display Table Registration

Cost: $75/table + $100 visitor fee (per visitor/representative) 

Resolutions: Deadline to submit is May 1. 

All resolutions must be submitted via email to This allows time for our resolutions committee to review and be available in the voting member packets in advance.

Workshop Proposals: Deadline to Submit is May 1.

Sunday, June 2 Worship Resource

Coming soon!

Bishop Tessa will provide a sermon for congregations to use on Sunday, June 2. It will be available in both video and manuscript at least 2 weeks in advance. 

synod assembly 2023

June 3-4 + Holiday inn, fargo

Summary of the 2023 Synod Assembly

On June 3-4, 2023, the Eastern North Dakota Synod, ELCA gathered together at the Holiday Inn in Fargo, ND for the thirty-sixth annual Synod Assembly under the theme of "Equip." The weekend was filled with worship, fellowship, business matters, Equip Experiences, workshops, and updates from the synod and churchwide offices. A "Food for All Block Party" was held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Saturday evening where financial gifts and food donations were collected for food ministries across the synod. A total of $3550 was raised. 

Videos from Synod Assembly


On June 4-5, 2022, over 350 people from across the Eastern North Dakota Synod gathered for the 2022 Synod Assembly at the Holiday Inn, Fargo. It was a wonderful weekend of hearing stories of being called to serve, moving worship, updates and information about the EaND and ELCA, attending to business, and opportunities to network and connect.

Videos from Synod Assembly

Opening Worship Service - Saturday, June 4, 2022

State of the Synod - Bishop Tessa Moon Leiseth

State of the ELCA - Rev. Robin Brown

Called to Serve Our Community

Called to Serve through Advocacy

Called to Serve the World

Closing Worship Service - Sunday, June 5, 2022

Offering for Assembly

We collected $10,188.25 at Synod Assembly! This year's offering will be evenly split between two ministries: The Neighborhood Church and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, North Dakota Field Office.

Lutheran World Relief Kits

250 Personal Care Kits were assembled at Synod Assembly! Thank you to everyone who collected donations and assembled the kits. Extra items were donated to local non-profits, including Churches United.

Voting Member Materials

Voting Member Packet - Combined (all documents)

Synod Assembly Agenda

Rules of Procedure 2022

Proposed 2023 Mission Plan


2021 EaND Synod Assembly Minutes

How to Participate in a Meeting (Roberts Rules)

How to participate in a meeting (Robert Rules overview)- ZOOM recording